Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lawn Care Denver; Facts You Should Know About Fertilizing Your Lawn

By Andrew Watson

A proper lawn care program should go all year round. A lot of heavy lifting will take place and in return, your landscape would be transformed into a breathtaking sanctuary where you can spend quality outdoor moments with your friends and loved ones. Irrespective of the weather conditions within your area, one of the most important routines is fertilizer application. If you need reliable lawn care Denver is an excellent place to begin the hunt for top rated specialists.

It is of paramount importance for you to know when the time is right for fertilizer application. Even though it makes sense to give your turf a nutrient boost from time to time, you also do not want to trigger growth when the weather conditions are not favorable. There are rules that could assist greatly in ensuring that each turf fertilization routine makes your grass greener and healthier.

Any seasoned professional will tell you for free that you should get your turf fertilized two to three times yearly. The first application ought to take place when spring is almost coming to an end. Your grass also needs to get a nutrient boost towards the end of the hot summer. In addition, a fertilizer application before winter could play a significant role in giving the grass a good survival chance all through the ice and snow filled winter.

Normally, the best time to get your grass fertilized is after the final frost. During this time, the soil will be getting ready for new growth and the grass will hence need more nutrients to grow strong and also survive through the summer heat. Giving the turf a proper jump-start could go a long way in preventing spotty growth and the need for constant reseeding.

It is never a good idea to use generic fertilizer. This is because there are various grass species and their needs could differ as day and night. It is important to consult with specialists who can identify the unique needs of your turf and also test the soil for you. The information generated would make it easier for the right fertilizer type to be identified.

After mowing, it is best not to remove the clipped grass. It can work as natural fertilizer and play a vital role in improving your fertilization efforts during the hot summer and also during the fall. You want to let the clipped grass to lie around for a reasonable while for you to ultimately achieve a healthy lawn.

The truth is that there are numerous aspects that ought to be considered before deciding the ideal time for lawn fertilization. Different grasses have needs that differ and this means that there is no single all-encompassing formula. Competent professionals will however be able to guide you appropriately.

If you require professional assistance, you must focus on finding trained and qualified specialists. They also need to have years of experience up their belts not to mention an outstanding customer rating. Be sure to get details about the assistance that will be offered before you go ahead and sign the service contract.

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