Friday, June 30, 2017

Accidents On The Parking Lot Striping AR

By Ruth Hall

Car parks allocation cleaning is a service that is required anywhere there is a space. But who exactly are you trying to reach when you go out, or pick up the phone? And, what kind of facilities are you trying to target? The following article takes us through the target customer Parking Lot Striping AR.

A brief moment of inattention by either the driver or pedestrian can lead to a parking lot mishap. Most parking lot accidents involve only minor property damage. "Backing-over" accidents can cause much more serious injuries, including whiplash, broken bones and even death. You can handle parking lot accidents much like you would handle an accident on the road. Keep in mind that parking lot mishaps can be misleading as the damage may seem quite minor at first glance. Do not leave the accident scene without exchanging insurance information.

Also, do not pay the other driver at the time to keep the insurance companies out of it. There are those people who can't be trusted in this world who will gladly accept your money and then file a personal injury or property claim later. And your payment can then be used as evidence that you admit fault.

Reserve Space with Pavement Markings: When striping and marking your share, it's a good opportunity to create designated parking spaces for disabled people, residents, customers, employees or visitors. By creating designated areas for residents, customers and visitors, it promotes good will and sends them the message that you care about their comfort and convenience. By marking employee bays spots, it gives them guidance where to park and keeps them from car parks in the premium bays spots reserved for clients.

There are also shopping centers, office buildings, strip malls and office parks. These types of properties often have different retail, grocery, or professional service businesses as tenants on the property. These kinds of facilities are managed by property management companies. And, when a property management company is responsible for a property they assign property managers to manage the vendors used to maintain that property.

If the police do not respond, you can look for mall security, or other security personnel, to put together a management incident report. The incident report contains much of the same information as the accident report. Because the incident report is put together by a private company, you do not have a legal right a copy. If you cannot obtain a copy on your own, your attorney can subpoena a copy if you need it.

Be sure to proceed as respectfully, and courteously as possible, explain why you are there and if they would take two minutes to help you out. Take note, I only ask for the name of the company, later I call the company and ask what property manager is directly responsible for the property I'm targeting. In my experience, people are reluctant to give you the contact information for the property manager, but asking what company manages the property goes over a lot easier, and you can still find who the actual property manager is. You can also Google a property management company, and by searching the site or call, determine who the property managers are.

Although you don't want to argue fault with the other party, you may want to gather evidence that can help to clear you of fault in the future. Look for witnesses: If there are any witnesses gathered who can help prove the other driver was at fault, ask them what they saw and if you can collect a brief statement from them. Collect their name, address, phone number and brief description of what they saw. Inform them that your insurance company may contact them.

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